Welcome to the City of Great Falls Engineering Office

The City Engineering Office is responsible for the design, administration and inspection of infrastructure projects for the City of Great Falls.
We are located at 1025 25th Avenue NE, and we are open Monday thru Friday, 8AM to 5PM. You can contact us at (406) 771-1258 or fax us at (406) 771-0700.
Who We Are
- Jesse Patton - City Engineer
- Rosa Hugg - Engineering Support Specialist
- Mark Juras - Development Review Coordinator
- Matt Proud - Civil Engineer - Sewer Systems/Utilities
- Travis Drevecky - Civil Engineering Specialist - Records/CADD Management
- Amanda Brownlee - Civil Engineer/ADA Coordinator
- Ryan Shaneybrook - Civil Engineer/Development Review
- Calob Marquis - Civil Engineering Project Manager
- Kyle Jarvey - Civil Engineering Superintendent
- Chris Calvert - Civil Engineering Technician - Utilities/Major Projects
- Josh Dowell - Civil Engineering Technician - Utilities/HAZMAT Certified
- Travis Mansfield - Civil Engineering Technician - Utilities/Major Projects
- Mike Schmidt - Civil Engineering Technician - Utilities/Major Projects
- Monty McLaughlin - Civil Engineering Technician - Utilities/Major Projects
What We Do
The Engineering Division is responsible for the following:
- Review, inspection, and administer engineering and construction within the public right-of-way and facilities under jurisdiction of the City of Great Falls
- Engineering Design; Preparation of Plans and Specifications; Bidding
- Preserve and make available maps and records
- Inspection of infrastructure and public utility projects
- Boulevard Encroachment Permits
- Inspection of privately financed infrastructure for new subdivisions and developments
- Liaison to Montana Department of Transportation for state projects within the city limits
- Special Improvement Districts (information, creation, construction, assessments)
If you need information concerning the following, please contact us at (406) 771-1258.
- Wastewater and Water Improvements
- New construction within public right-of-way
- Bid openings (construction)
- Compaction tests taken on construction projects and materials
- Sewer and water main locations
- Inspection of sidewalks and driveways (includes curb cuts, saw cuts, handicap ramps and curb and gutter)
- Inspection of sanitary sewer services
- Right-of-way encroachments
- Monument locations
- Benchmark elevations
- Storm Drains
- As-built Plans for Public Infrastructure
- Subdivision Plats
- Miscellaneous Plans
- Standard Drawings
- Aerials & Contours
- Property boundaries
- Special Improvement Districts
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