City Commission
City Commission meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month. Work Sessions begin at 5:30 in the Gibson Room, and Commission meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, 2 Park Drive South, Great Falls, MT.
The Great Falls Crime Task Force was established through Resolution 10395 on April 6, 2021. Amendments to the Task Force pertaining to residency and to increase the number of members from 7 to 9 was adopted through Resolution 10407 on May 18, 2021.
On November 2, 2021, The Crime Task Force presented there findings and recommendations to the City Commission during a Special Joint Work Session. In accordance to the establishing Resolution, the Task Force was dissolved once the findings and recommendations were forwarded to the City Commission.
Serving on a City board or commission is a great way to become involved in local government. The following City boards and commissions have current openings.
On occasion there is a possibility that three or more members of the Commission may be attending an event or function initiated or not initiated by the City of Great Falls. When the City Clerk's Office is made aware of Commission invitations or notified of upcoming events/occasions not initiated by the City Commission, a Notice of possible quorum will be posted below. There may be instances that a quorum occurs at an event by happenstance. However, during these informal gatherings, there will be no Commission agenda, no deliberations, no decisions made, and no minutes taken/prepared.
Contact Information
Upcoming Events
04/01/2025 - 5:30pm
04/01/2025 - 7:00pm
04/15/2025 - 5:30pm