Proclamation Requests

Drawing of a blank Proclamation

- - New Process Beginning July 1, 2024 - -

Mayoral Proclamation Request

Proclamations are issued at the Mayor’s discretion to honor, celebrate or create awareness of a noteworthy event, milestone, or achievement generally related to a community benefit.  Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis subject to their significance to the city and its residents.

Proclamations are ceremonial and do not carry any legislative or legal value, and are not statements of policy.

Proclamations may be issued for:

  • Noteworthy events of city-wide significance and relevancy to Great Falls
  • Significant contributions and service to the community

Proclamation Guidelines:

  • All proclamation requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Proclamations are not automatically renewed every year.
  • Only one proclamation request will be accepted annually per topic.
  • A Great Falls city resident or representative of a local organization must request the proclamation.
  • The Mayor reserves the right to approve or decline any request for a proclamation and edit the drafted material for final wording.

Proclamations will not be issued for:

  • Matters of political or religious nature or individual conviction
  • Matters with potential political controversy or which may suggest an official City position on a matter whether or not under consideration or to be voted upon by the City Commission
  • Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the city of Great Falls
  • Matters concerning personal life choices that government should not interfere with

Additional Information:

  • Proclamations are honorary and not legally binding.
  • If the proclamation request is new, the draft wording for the “whereas” paragraphs must be included in the Proclamation Request form.
  • While the Mayor appreciates the importance of each proclamation, beginning July 2024 proclamations will not be read at Commission meetings.  Mayor approved Proclamations will be made available for pick up at the City Clerk's Office, or emailed to the requester.
  • Presentation of a Proclamation at your event could be requested, and would be subject to the Mayor or Commissioner availability.
  • An organization does not have exclusive rights to a day, week, or month of its proclamation.
Proclamation Details
Contact Information