Public Right-of-Way
Please be aware that you cannot fence public right-of-way, and no Storage of RV's, Utility Trailers or Vessels in the public right-of-way.
The property owner is responsible for maintenance but is not taxed on this area. Call Engineering at (406) 771-1258 before placing fence posts. Street sizes vary throughout Great Falls and so does the public right-of-way.
- Maintenance includes any areas adjacent to your property lines. This includes cutting tall grass/weeds and snow shoveling along sidewalks, boulevards, curbs and maintaining alley areas.
- Effective March 15, 2022, it is unlawful for any person to park a recreational vehicle, trailer or vessel upon the public right-of-way in any residential zoning district except for the limited purpose of loading and unloading, which shall be limited to a period of no more than seventy-two (72) hours in a seven (7) day period.
- If you have a corner property there is a CVT (clear vision triangle) which is a 45 degree triangle measurement that will determine where your fence can be placed. In alleys this measurement is 10' and in driveways the measurement is 15'.
- For any vegetation CVT (clear vision triangle) issues such as a tree or a bush please contact the Park & Recreation City Forester at 771-1265.
- Residential fence height: 4' tall in the front yard (from the end of the public right-of-way to the front of the house), and 6' tall (from the front of the house through the backyard). Contact Code Enforcement at Planning & Community Development (406) 455-8574.
- Any new fences being installed or old fences being repaired and/or replaced are required to comply with the City Code revised in 2007.
- Fire Hydrants are placed in the public right-of-way. There needs to be clearance of at least 5' to allow for proper hose connection and use. In case of an emergency and the hydrant access is blocked by fencing or shrubs they may need to be cut. The property owner would be responsible for any replacement costs.
How is the public right-of-way figured?
Get the measurement of the street or avenue from Engineering, next measure from the back of curb on one side of the street to the other back of curb across the street.
Example: 80' public right-of-way minus 35' street back of curb measurement = 45' remaining right-of-way, divided by 2 = 22.5'. Therefore each property owner on each side of the street would have a 22.5' public right-of-way. The fence would be placed 22.5' from the back of curb.
Political Signs:
- Sign Permit - Political signs are exempt from the sign permit requirement. However, signage must be in compliance with City Codes in all other respects.
- Size - Political signs may be no larger than 16 sq. feet in area and four feet in height.
- Time - Signs may be placed no earlier than 60 days prior to any election. Signs must be removed within seven consecutive days after an election.
- Where/Setbacks - Signage may be placed on private property with the owner's permission. The sign must be placed at least 12 feet from the back of the curb. Vehicular and pedestrian sight distances must be unobstructed. Signage is not allowed on public property in City boulevards, on boulevard trees, utility poles, street lights or signs, traffic poles or other public property.
Boulevards 12.1.010 - 12.3.020 (includes CVT - Clear Vision Triangle)
Intersection Visibility 17.32.160 (includes CVT for streets, alleys and driveways)