Park & Recreation
Scheels Aim High Big Sky Events and Activities Online Access
On March 19, 2024 the City Commission adopted Resolution NO. 10536 “A Resolution to Establish Park and Recreation Fees”. Having considered the cost of operations, administration and maintenance of both facilities and programs, it is understood by staff that adjustments to fees need to take place in order cover the expenses of operations. Fees have not been adjusted for park rentals and special events since 2006, swimming pools since 2014, multi sports since 2016, and the community recreation center since 2019.
In September of 2020, in conjunction with Malmstrom Air Force Base, the City of Great Falls was awarded a $10 million dollar Department of Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP) grant to fund a new Recreation Center. The new facility will cost $20 million dollars. The City will match the $10 million dollar grant by bonding to use a portion of the Park District Number 1 assessments. Construction of the new facility will begin in September of 2021 and the construction timeline estimates completion of the facility by the Spring 2024.
Looking for a new and exciting job opportunity? Come work for the Department of Fun! Park and Recreation is hiring! We are looking for fun, self-motivated, individuals to come join our teams in Recreation, Aquatics, Parks, and Forestry. We offer a wide variety of summer positions that ensure you will find just the right fit!
Park and Recreation is offering summer camps that cover a wide range of interests including art, science, sports, dance and hiking through the Community Recreation Center. Learn to swim or sign up for golf or tennis lessons. The community has little league, ice skating, soccer and volleyball available!
During the May 8th election, voters were asked to consider the creation of the Great Falls Park District Number 1 with an assessment amount of $1.5 million annually for the first three years to address over $12.6 million in deferred maintenance and other operational needs. Great Falls voters supported the creation of the Park District. On June 5th the City Commission adopted Resolution 10238 to create Great Falls Park District Number 1.
Contact Information
1700 River Drive North
P.O. Box 5021
Great Falls, Montana 59403
(406) 771-1265