Water Service Line Inventory
Pursuant to the EPAs forthcoming Lead And Copper Rule Revision and Improvements, the City is required to identify and inventory the locations of lead, non-lead, galvanized, and unknown water service lines within the City limits. The water service line is the pipe which connects the property to the water main in the street. Additional information on the EPA Rule can be found on the EPA Website.
The City Commission sent a letter to our Congressional Delegates in October of 2024 to voice the City's funding concerns for this federal mandate. The Commission sent an updated letter to include newly elected delegates in January of 2025.
The locations with EPA non-conforming water services are included in the spreadsheet linked below. Non-conforming service line pipes include those made of lead, galvanized, or are of an unknown material. If your property has a non-conforming line type, please reach out to the City's water service hotline at (406)455-8401 to speak with an inspector and set up a time to verify the service line material or follow the steps below to submit this information to the City.
Residences and businesses with non-conforming service lines will receive yearly notification letters until they are replaced or reclassified as a conforming material type. The notice will include a statement about service line material, lead health effects, steps to minimize lead exposure in drinking water, information on how to verify the material of the service line and information in regards to replacing the service line. City code states that the entire length of the service line from the main to the building is the responsibility of the property owner. Please notify the City if you replace the service line by calling (406)455-8401 or emailing waterserviceline@greatfallsmt.net.
Visual Classification of Service Line Material
The service line material can be identified at the point where it enters the building, typically just upstream of the water meter. The test instructions below provide information on how to perform the visual identification test and return that information to the city by one of the means stated on the test form.
More information can be obtained by reviewing the supporting documents at the bottom of the page or by calling the City's Water Service Inventory Hotline at (406) 455-8401, or email waterserviceline@greatfallsmt.net
The EPA rule will likely require that all lead, galvanized and unknown service line types be replaced with conforming materials. City code states that the expense of laying and maintaining the service pipes from the mains to the consumer's premises must be borne by the consumer. The best way to replace a lead service line is to request one or more quotes from licensed and qualified contractors and hire one to perform this work. Federal funding for this work is currently not accessible to property owners directly.
Test Instructions and Example
Items Needed:
1. Flathead screwdriver, copper penny, or similar metal tool
2. Magnet
First, locate the water service line coming into the building. You will typically find it located in the basement, mechanical room, or in a wall panel. A water meter is installed on the water service line pipe after the point of entry into the building, see the example pictures below for additional information.
Identify a test area on the pipe on the upstream or street side of the meter, which is between the point where it comes into your building and the water meter. If the pipe is covered or wrapped, peel back the cover to expose a small area of the pipe, about 6-inches, to clearly see the color of the pipe.
Using the edge of a screwdriver, penny, or other similar tool, scratch or scrape through any corrosion that may have built up on the outside of the pipe so that the color of the pipe can clearly be seen. Then use the magnet and the color of the pipe to identify the material of the water service line from the following criteria:
- If the scratched area is shiny and silver-gray, your service line is lead. A strong magnet will not stick to a lead pipe.
- If the scratched area remains a dull silver-gray, and a strong magnet sticks to the surface, your service line is galvanized.
- If the scratched area is copper in color, like a penny, your service line is copper. A strong magnet will not stick to copper.
- The service pipe may be plastic and plastic pipes may vary in color. Plastic pipes are rigid, non-metallic, and may have information regarding the characteristics of the plastic printed on the side of the pipe.
- If the scratched area is brass in color, or dark reddish brown to a light silvery yellow in color, your service line is brass. A strong magnet will not stick to brass.
Please also take a photo of the water service line coming into the building and return it with the test form or indicate that you would like to schedule an inspection with a representative from the Public Works Department. The picture must contain the service line where it first enters the building, typically up through the floor or through the foundation. Where the pipe enters must be clearly visible and should show any pipe fittings between the wall and the meter. Two examples of acceptable photos are shown below.

If you are unable to perform the test or have more questions, please contact the telephone hotline at the Public Works Engineering Office (406)455-8401.