City Planning & Zoning
The Planning Division is responsible for the ongoing physical development and redevelopment of real property in the community. This includes planning for growth and transportation.
A few of our services include:
- Subdivision review
- Annexation review
- Zoning changes and conditional use applications
- Zoning Map
- Zoning Determinations
- Transportation planning/MPO
- Growth policy development and implementation
- Demographic information
- Land use information
The City of Great Falls acknowledges the decision by the Montana Supreme Court regarding the case of Montanans Against Irresponsible Densification, LLC (MAID) v. State of Montana. This decision has two immediate impacts on the City of Great Falls: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on most lots containing a single-family dwelling are now hereby permitted by right and duplexes are permitted in any zoning district where a single-family dwelling is permitted. The City will recognize and adhere to MCA regulations and requirements as codified in the State Code and administer permitting for accessory dwelling units and duplexes as described. This does not exempt such dwellings from meeting building, engineering, or other development requirements.
The City of Great Falls is kicking off the updating process for our Growth Policy Plan! Your voices will be the driving force behind creating our roadmap for the future, shaping decisions and regulations to reflect our shared values and aspirations. Please check out the Growth Policy external website and the video on this page for more information on how you can stay in the loop and make sure your voice is heard.
Chickens (and other fowl) are defined in Title 6 of the City’s code as livestock. Code states that it is unlawful for a person to keep, harbor, or maintain livestock within the corporate limits at any time, except within the R-1 zoning district, as defined in Title 17.
To determine whether your property is zoned R-1 you can call Planning and Community Development at (406) 455-8430 or visit the Interactive Zoning Map.
This page is intended to provide general information regarding commercial marijuana business activities within the City of Great Falls. If you have specific questions, please call Planning and Community Development at 406-455-8430.
The City now has an embedded interactive zoning map available to residents and business owners online. It can be used to determine what zoning district a property is located in and the requirements for the district. Users enter an address within the Great Falls city limits and the map will zoom to the location and show the zoning district.
Planning and Community Development oversees the development and implementation of the City of Great Falls Growth Policy, and other neighborhood and small area planning initiatives and projects.
Current Planning deals primarily with the ongoing physical development and redevelopment of real property in the community.
City Planning staff coordinates transportation planning for the Great Falls urban area, serving as staff to the Great Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The MPO
Web Links
- About Us
- Growth Policy Update
- Development Center
- Building Permit Statistics
- Building Division
- Code Enforcement
- Business Licensing and Home Occupations
- Parking
- Planning & Zoning
- Historic Preservation
Contact Information
Civic Center
#2 Park Drive South, Room 112
Great Falls, Montana 59403
(406) 455-8430
Upcoming Events
03/19/2025 - 12:00pm
03/20/2025 - 3:30pm
03/25/2025 - 3:00pm