Building & Construction Guide -- What You Need to Know

Planning to construct, enlarge, repair or demolish any structure within the city limits of Great Falls?

The project will probably require that the plans and specifications for the project be reviewed and approved and a building permit issued by the Department of Planning and Community Development located in the Civic Center. The permitting process helps to ensure that Great Falls develops in a quality manner and that lives and property are protected.

Visit the Building Forms page to download commercial and residential permit applications.

The City of Great Falls has adopted the following national codes:

1. International Building Code, 2021 Edition (IBC), together with the following:

a) The IBC Appendix Chapters

  • Appendix Chapter C (Group U – Agricultural Buildings)

b) The IBC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.131
  • ARM 24.301.146

2. International Existing Building Code, 2021 Edition (IEBC)

a) The IEBC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.171

3. International Residential Code, 2021 Edition (IRC), together with the following:

a) The IRC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.154

4. Uniform Plumbing Code, 2021 Edition (UPC), together with the following:

a) The UPC Appendix Chapters

  • Appendix Chapter A, Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System
  • Appendix Chapter B, Explanatory Notes on Combination waste and Vent Systems
  • Appendix Chapter D, Sizing Storm water Drainage Systems

b) The UPC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.301 except (g) (l)  

5. National Electrical Code, 2020 Edition (NEC).

a) The NEC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.401

6. International Mechanical Code, 2021 Edition (IMC).

a) The IMC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.172 except (c)

7. International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition (IFGC).

a) The IFGC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.173 except (b) 

8. National Fire Protection Association 99, 2018 Edition (NFPA 99)

a) The NFPA 99, 2018 Edition un-amended

9. International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. 2021 Edition (ISPSA)

a) The ISPSA, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.175

10. International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, 2021 Edition (IWUIC)

a) The IWUIC, as modified and amended by the following rules:

  • ARM 24.301.181

11. International Energy Conservation Code, 2021 Edition (IECC)

                -The IECC as modified and amended by the following rules MT ARM 24.301.161

12. International Fire Code, 2012 Edition (IFC)

                -The IFC, 2012 unamended

13. ICC A117.1 Accessibility, 2017 Edition


*Permit fees are adopted by Resolution of the City Commission and are found by clicking on the fee items listed in the drop-down menu to the right on this page under the heading, "Building Safety".

The City also has ordinances governing, landscaping, off-street parking signs, outdoor lighting, and many other aspects of land development and building construction.  If you have any questions, please refer to the  Official Codes of the City of Great Falls or call 455-8430.

Design Criteria for the City of Great Falls, MT

Design Criteria for the City of Great Falls
Type Requirements
Multifamily and Commercial Design per IBC 2021
One and Two Family Dwellings Design per IRC 2021
Seismic Zone "B"
Wind Load

In accordance with Chapter 26 of ASCE 7. Basic design for Risk category II= 107

Foundation Depth 42 in. frost depth - to bottom of footings
Roof Snow Load Minimum design roof snow load after allowed
reductions shall be 30 psf (i.e. Pf = 30 psf)


Electrical, Plumbing and Gas Permits

Homeowners can do their own plumbing and electrical work if they live in the residence. Gas permits may be issued only to licensed gas contractors. All commercial or rental properties needing electrical or plumbing work must contact a licensed contractor to do the work. The contractor will secure the proper permits from the Department of Planning and Community Development. Homeowners wishing to do their own plumbing or electrical work may get a permit from the Planning and Community Development Department.

Building Permit Exemptions

  1. One-story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds IRC 200 square feet or less. IBC 120 SF
  2. Fences not more than 6 feet high
  3. Cases, counters and partitions not more than 5' 9" high
  4. Retaining walls not more than 4 feet high measured from bottom of footing
  5. Painting, papering and similar finish work
  6. Window awnings if they don't project more than 54 inches.
  7. Decks that are not attached to a building, that are less than 30 inches above grade at any point, and that are 200 square feet in area or less

Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion 

All required inspections and a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion must be obtained prior to transferring water service billing information.

Questions - please call:

Building - Bruce Haman, Building Official, 455-8404
Parking or Landscaping - Call 455-8430 and ask for the Planner of the Day
Code Enforcement/Property Complaints - Heather Rohlf, Code Enforcement Officer, 455-8574