Request for Bids - OF 1758.1 Lift Station #1 & Supplemental Forcemain Improvements
Request for Bids
Great Falls Sewage Lift Station No. 1 and Supplemental Forcemain Improvements – O.F. 1758.1
From Prospect Construction
For the City of Great Falls
Project Information:
The City of Great Falls, the “Owner”, TD&H Engineering, the “Engineer”, and Prospect Construction, Inc., hereinafter called “Prospect” or “GC/CM”, invite bidders to bid on the Great Falls Sewage Lift Station & Supplemental Forcemain Improvements project bid packages. The terms “work package” and “bid package” may be used synonymously throughout these documents.
The City of Great Falls has contracted with Prospect Construction as the General Contractor Construction Manager. The project will provide the City with necessary upgrades to the combined sewage lift station, located at 800 River Dr, Great Falls MT 59401.
The project generally consists of: replacement of three (3) large pumps and 24-inch control valves and installation of new variable frequency drives; replacement of mechanical bar screen and new wash press; replacement of plug valves and slide gates; installation of new 16-inch permanent bypass piping; building modifications and structural repairs; electrical and mechanical upgrades; modifications to the existing 24-inch forcemain piping for a future supplemental forcemain river crossing; site pavement replacement; installation of a new emergency generator; application of paints and coatings; and other miscellaneous work and related activities.
The following work packages are available to bid:
Bid Package 01 – Forcemain and Bypass Piping
Bid Package 02 – Mechanical Pipe and Process Equipment
Bid Package 03 – Electrical
Bid Package 04 – Exterior Concrete
Bid Package 05 – Asphalt Paving
Bid Package 06 – Industrial Coatings
Bid Package 07 – Plumbing
Bid Package 08 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Bid Package 09 – Landscaping and Irrigation
Bidders may submit on one or multiple bid packages. If a bidder submits multiple bid packages, each package will be evaluated and awarded independently from each other.
Instructions to Bidders:
Pre-Bid Conference – A Pre-Bid Conference will be held in the conference room of TD&H Engineering at 1800 River Dr N, Great Falls, MT 59401, on Tuesday, January 21st at 11:00am. Immediately following a brief project overview, bidders will have the opportunity to walk the project site at 800 River Dr N, Great Falls MT 59401. Attendance of bidding contractors is mandatory for the following scopes:
- Mechanical Pipe and Process
- Forcemain & Bypass Piping
- Electrical
Bidder questions will be accepted until 5:00pm on Tuesday, January 28th, 2025. Bid Questions will be responded to through the QuestCDN portal.
Bids will be received by Prospect’s Project Manager, Ethan Starbuck, electronically via Quest CDN’s online bid letting portal. Complete proposals are required to be submitted electronically via Quest CDN prior to January 30th, 2025, at 2:00 pm. No bids will be accepted after the bid deadline. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud over a Microsoft Teams video conference, via the link below, shortly after the bid deadline.
By submitting a BID for a work package, BIDDER certifies that the value of the bid submitted encompasses all costs to carry out the associated work package, per the requirements of the Contract Documents.
BIDDING CONTRACTOR, and any of the BIDDING CONTRACTOR’S subcontractors doing work on this project, will be required to obtain registration with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI). Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, P.O. Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena, Montana 59604-8011. Information on registration can be obtained by calling 1-406-444-7734. CONTRACTOR is not required to have registered with the DLI prior to bidding on this project, but CONTRACTOR and subcontractors must have registered prior to execution of the Construction Agreement. All laborers and mechanics employed by the CONTRACTOR, or subcontractors in performance of the construction work, shall be paid wages at rates as may be required by the laws of the City of Great Falls and the State of Montana. The CONTRACTOR must ensure that employees, and applicants for employment, are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Award of Bids:
Contracts are to be awarded based on the lowest responsive and responsible bid. After receiving all bids, the values will be presented to the City of Great Falls for review and approval. Exclusions, bid qualifications, or incomplete scopes provided with Bids are not acceptable, and may be cause for rejection without further justification.
The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid, which is in the best interest of the City. Bidders agree that such rejection shall be without liability on the part of Prospect Construction, TD&H Engineering, or The City of Great Falls, for any damages or claims brought by any bidder.
Upon notification of award for one or more work packages, Bidder shall, within 10 days, provide all required documentation required by contract documents. This specifically includes, but is not limited to:
- A signed copy of Prospect Construction unmodified Subcontract attached herein.
- Certificate of Insurance as required by Contract Documents and/or Prospect’s Standard Subcontract
- Any other administrative documentation required by the Contract Documents
Documents Provided to Bidders:
It is the responsibility of the interested party to download and print the Bid Documents. Digital Bid Documents can be downloaded from Quest CDN’s website.
The bid documents consist of:
- The Request for Bids (this document)
- The Contract Documents, including:
- Project Specification Manual – Sewage Lift Station No. 1 and Supplemental Forcemain Improvements, dated December 2024
- Project Plan Set – Sewage Lift Station No.1 and Supplemental Forcemain Improvements, dated December 2024
- City Sewer Crossing – Missouri River Lift Station No 1 – Supplemental Forcemain Geotechnical Investigation, dated December 2022
- General Conditions to the Construction Contract
- Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, latest edition
- City of Great Falls Standards for Design and Construction, latest edition
- Prospect Construction’s Standard Subcontract (Exhibit A)
- Preliminary Project Schedule (Exhibit B)