Parking Advisory Commission

Created by Resolution 6682 on February 19, 1974 and amended by Ordinance 2652 on April 20, 1993.

Advises the City Commission, City Manager, and Community Development Staff on matters related to parking issues within the Parking Districts.

Five members, appointed by the City Commission. Experience or interest in the Great Falls Central Business District is helpful, but not necessary.


Parking Advisory Commission members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Inge Buchholz 4/30/2027
Jayson Olthoff 4/30/2027
Carol Berg 4/30/2027
Nathan Laidlaw 4/30/2027
Katie Hanning 4/30/2025
Kellie Pierce Member appointed by Business Improvement District (Ex officio)











Three-year terms.

Meeting Schedule and Location
The Parking Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. in the Ryan Room of the Civic Center.

Residency Requirements
Members must reside within the City.

For more information on the Commission

Brock Cherry with Planning and Community Development at 406-455-8530.

OR visit the City Transportation Planning and MPO page