Library Board of Trustees

Ordinance 341 in 1910 as city library. The Board of Trustees were appointed by the authority of MCA § 22-1-308.  On May 3, 2016 the City Commission adopted Ordinance 3140 creating Title 2, Chapter 49 of the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) Establishing the Great Falls Public Library and repealing Ordinance 341.  The Board of Trustees are appointed in accordance to OCCGF 2.18.050.

Oversees the Library policies and operations including book policies and service to the City, County, and pathfinder Federation of Libraries.

Five members, appointed by the City Commission.


Library Board of Trustees Members and their term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Noelle Johnson  6/30/2029
Jessica Crist 6/30/2025
Samantha DeForest 6/30/2026
Whitney Olson 6/30/2027
Anne Bulger 6/30/2028










Five-year terms, but no more than two full terms in succession (MCA § 22-1-308(4)).

Meeting Schedule and Location
Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the Montana Room of the Library.

Residency Requirements
Library board members shall be residents of Cascade County with at least three members being qualified electors and residents of the City (OCCGF 2.18.050)

For Information on the Board Contact:
Susie McIntyre with the Great Falls Public Library at 406-453-0349.