Police Commission

MCA § 7-32-4151

Reviews all Police Department applicants for police officer positions and hears disciplinary appeals for the Police Department.

Three members, appointed by the City Commission, who have the qualifications required by law to hold a municipal office. It is recommended that at least one member of the Commission be familiar with the judicial system and rules of evidence relating to court hearings.

Current Members:

Police Commission members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Morgan Kasuske June 30, 2027
John Hackwith June 30, 2026
Tim Shanks June 30, 2025








Three-year terms.

Meeting Schedule
Meets on demand.

Residency Requirements
Members must reside within City. (MCA § 7-32-4151(1)).

For Information on the Commission Contact:
Great Falls Lt. Rich LaBard at 406-727-7688.