Board of Adjustment/Appeals

MCA §76-2-321, et seq., and Ordinance 2923, September 2005 (Land Development Code, OCCGF, Revised by Ordinance 3205, October 2019.

Purpose (Powers & Duties)
Hears and decides appeals regarding administration of Title 17 or the housing or building regulations, and hears and decides requests for variances consistent with Title 17.

Five members, appointed by the City Commission.

Current Members:

Board of Adjustment/Appeals members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Joe McMillen 9/30/2024
Peter Fontana 9/30/2025
Antoinette Collins 9/30/2026
Christian Stone 9/30/2026
Aspen Northerner 9/30/2024

Three-year term and until a successor is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes vacant.

Meeting Schedule
Meets on demand, approximately ten times a year, generally at 3 p.m. Board hearing notices are printed in the Great Falls Tribune Legal Ad section 15 days prior to a meeting.

Residency Requirements
Members must be residents of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF

For Information on the Board Contact:
Brock Cherry with Planning and Community Development Department at 406-455-8530.