Airport Authority (Regional)

Joint Resolution 7451 (City) and 80-1 (County) created the Regional Airport Authority for the operation of the Great Falls International Airport pursuant to the provisions of MCA § 67-11-103.

Governing body and policy setting board for the operation and management of the Great Falls International Airport. Responsible for employing the Airport Director, who hires staff and oversees the day-to-day operations of the Airport.

Seven members — four appointed by the City Commission and three appointed by the County Commission.

Airport Authority (Regional) members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Richard Gibbs (City Appointee) 12/31/2025
Liz Whiting (City Appointee) 12/31/2025
Terry Thompson (City Appointee)  12/31/2026
Cameron Swathwood (City Appointee) 12/31/2026
Sean Hoven (County Appointee) 12/31/2027
Anthony Aretz (County Appointee) 12/31/2026
Dustin Jacobs (County Appointee) 12/31/2027












Three-year term.

Meeting Schedule and Location
Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Plateau room on the second floor of the Airport Terminal building.

Residency Requirements
None stipulated.

For Information on the Board Contact:
John Faulkner with the Great Falls International Airport at 406-727-3404.