EMS Advisory Board

Ordinance 2993 adopted by the City Commission on January 8, 2008. And Amended through adoption of Ordinance 3181 June 19, 2018.

The Great Falls EMS Advisory Board shall endeavor to preserve and improve the quality of life for the Great Falls community by ensuring a safe and stable EMS pre-hospital care system. Additionally, the Board shall ensure the system provides reliable and cost efficient emergency medical care by highly trained personnel. This board shall assist the EMS administration by providing recommendation and information on all matters to do with the City's EMS system.

EMS Advisory Board members
Member Representing
Jeremy Jones GFFR Fire Chief/City EMS Administrator (Chair)
Dr. Brittany Mayfield EMS System Medical Director (Vice-Chair)
Jeremy Virts GFFR Assistant Chief/EMS Coordinator
Justin Grohs Great Falls Emergency Services Manager
Karen Young 911 Dispatch Center
Katie Brewer Community Risk Reduction Manager
Brooke Wells GFFR Paramedic
Rob Moccasin Neighborhood Councils

Christina Wood

GFES Paramedic  
Ex Officio Members  
Sydney Hirst Chief Flight Nurse, Mercy Flight
Kyle Baker Benefis Mercy Flight Program Coordinator
Dr. Stuart GFES Medical Director
Dave Kuhn Great Falls Emergency Services Owner/President
Patty Vielle Benefis ICU/ Cath Lab
Scott Schandelson Benefis Emergency Department Manager
Rachelle Molinario Great Falls Hospital ER Manager
























Meeting Location
The EMS Board normally meets at the Fire Training Center -- 1900 9th Street South.

Indefinite unless member vacates the office or resigns from the Board.

For Information on the Board Contact:
Great Falls Fire Rescue at 406-727-8070.