Transit District Board

MCA § 7-14-212, the Transit District Board and by Joint Resolution, City of Great Falls Resolution 8677 and Cascade County Resolution 94-92.

Governs the Great Falls Transit District. The Board is responsible for determining an appropriate mill levy, preparing and presenting a budget, and overseeing all aspects of the District, including operations, maintenance, and administration.

Five members — three elected, one appointed by the City Commission and one appointed by the Cascade County Commission.


Transit District Board members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Donna Zook (City Appointee) November 30, 2026
Abigail St. Lawerence (County Appointee) November 30, 2027
Ann Marie Meade, Vice Chairperson (Elected) May 31, 2027
Kenneth E. Johnson (Elected) May 31, 2027
Carl Donovan, Chairperson (Elected) May 31, 2026

Four-year terms for appointed members.

Meeting Schedule and Location
Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the main transit facility, 3905 North Star Boulevard.

Residency Requirements
None stipulated for the appointed members. Elected members as per MCA § 7-14-214.

For Information on the Board Contact:
Great Falls Transit District at 406-727-0382 or visit the Great Falls Transit Website.