Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission

Created by Ordinance 2913, and recreated by Ordinance 2923, September 2005 (Land Development Code).

Advises the City Commission on many aspects of Great Falls area growth and development including amendments to the Growth Policy, zoning, land subdivision, annexation, transportation planning, planning roadway improvements, and related general planning issues.

Seven citizen members appointed by the City Commission and shall not include any City employees or elected officials.


Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Jim Wingerter 12/31/2027
Pat Green 12/31/2025
Julie Essex 12/31/2025
David Cantley 12/31/2027
Michael Gorecki 12/31/2027
Lindsey Gray  12/31/2026
Tory Mills 12/31/2026

Three-year terms.

Meeting Schedule and Location
Meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at the Civic Center.Work sessions may be held at 4:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Depending on the number and type of meeting agenda items, members can expect to spend two to six hours per month reviewing agenda information and attending Board meetings.

Residency Requirements
All members must reside within the City limits.

For Information on the Commission Contact:
Brock Cherry with the Planning and Community Development at 406-455-8530.