Park & Recreation Advisory Board

Ordinance 2652 Adopted April 20,1993, OCCGF 2.11.010.

Advises the City Commission and the City Manager on all matters related to the Park and Recreation program in the City of Great Falls.

Seven members, appointed by the City Commission.


Park & Recreation Advisory Board members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Anne Schmidt 12/31/2025
Pat Carroll 12/31/2026
Jim Sargent 12/31/2027
Kevin Angland 12/31/2025
Arthur Taft 12/31/2027
Erin Borland 12/31/2026
DeeAnna Brady-Leader 12/31/2026












Three-year terms.

Meeting Schedule and Location
Meets on the second Monday of each month at 4 p.m. for approximately two hours in the Conference Room at Park and Recreation.

Residency Requirements
Members must reside within the City. (OCCGF 2.11.030)

For Information on the Board Contact
Steve Herrig with the Park and Recreation Department at 406-771-1265