Business Improvement District -- Board of Trustees

Petitioned by property owners within the District. Originally created by Resolution 8279 and MCA § 7-12-1121, authorizing the City Commission to appoint not less than five or more than seven owners of property (or their personal representative, agent, or guardian) within the established Business Improvement District.

Oversees the functions, operations, management and administration as necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Business Improvement District.

Seven members appointed by the City Commission.

Current Members:

Business Improvement District -- Board of Trustees members and term expiration dates
Member Term Expires
Keith Cron 6/30/2027
Jason Kunz 6/30/2027
Alison Fried 6/30/2025
Caralina Carlson 6/30/2028
Sherrie Arey 6/30/2028
Neal DuBois 6/30/2027
Erica Ferrin 6/30/2028












Four-year term, except that a vacancy occurring during a term must be filled for the unexpired term. A member shall hold office until a successor has been appointed and qualified.

Meeting Schedule and Location
Meets the second Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the BID office located at 318 Central Avenue.

Residency Requirements
Members must be owners of property within the boundaries of the Business Improvement District or their personal representative, agent, or guardian (MCA § 7-12-1121).

For Information on the Board Contact:
Kellie Pierce with the Business Improvement District at 406-727-5430.