Ethics Committee

Taking the oath of Office

The Ethics Committee was established through Ordinance 3169 and adopted by the City Commission on October 17, 2017.  The purpose of the Committee is the ensure that all City officers and employees are performing their duties in compliance with the provisions of Montana Code Annotated, Title 2, Chapter 2 and the provisions of the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) Title 2, Chapter 21.

Committee members must be qualified electors and residents of the City.  Members cannot be City employees and as reasonably possible, the members should have experience and or training in Public administration, Governmental operation, Political practices or legal practice.  The Committee does not have a regular meeting schedule and meets on an as needed basis.

The Initial Committee members were appointed by the City Commission on January 2, 2018.

Member                                                                                                          Term Expires
Daniel Barnett                                                                                                 12/31/26
Jordyn Rogers                                                                                                  12/31/25
David Sneddon                                                                                                12/31/24
Justin Grohs                                                                                                     12/31/25 (Alternate Member)

For information on the Ethics Committee please contact Krista Artis at 406-455-8450.