Storm-Damaged Trees -- What You Need To Know
The City of Great Falls has thousands of beautiful trees located on private residential properties, in the Boulevard District, in public places and on commercial properties.
One of the Park and Recreation Department's responsibilities is to maintain the City's inventory of over 30,000 trees located in parks, the Boulevard District, golf courses, and other public places. While the Forestry department regularly maintains the growth and maintenance of these trees, inclement weather will cause damage to trees and property.
In the event of tree damage that poses a safety concern or involves property damage please follow these guidelines.

Boulevard District Residents and City Parks
To find out if your home is in the Boulevard District, visit the Urban Forestry/Natural Resources page, and consult the Boulevard District Map.
- Storm damage to trees or property, trimming requests, or general questions:
- Call the Park and Recreation Office at 406-771-1265 for information.
- Fill out and return a Citizen Request Form
- For any issues related to electrical lines, call Northwestern Energy at 1-888-467-2669.
- Any tree related damage that poses a safety concern:
- Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., call Park and Recreation Office 406-771-1265.
- After normal operating hours/Holidays – Police Dispatch 406-727-7688, ext. 5.
Non-Boulevard District Residents and Commercial
- The City does not maintain or respond to any tree related issues located outside of the Boulevard District and parks.
- Storm damage to trees or property, trimming requests, or any other related tree issues are the responsibility of the home or business owners.
- For issues related to electrical lines, call Northwestern Energy, 1-888-467-2669.
Tree Ordinances
To report code violations, contact Code Enforcement - Private Property Complaints.
8.8.140 - Alley Maintenance
All persons owning, occupying, or being in control of property fronting on any alley of the City shall keep the portion of the alley between the centerline thereof and the property line of such property and fronting on such property, free from garbage, rubbish, weeds, or any other combustible material. - General provisions.
- Permit required. A permit is required to:
- plant trees in the boulevard area
- remove or prune existing trees in the boulevard area
- Vertical clearance. Trees shall be pruned to provide vertical clearance of eight (8) feet over sidewalks and fourteen (14) feet over streets.
- Supplemental uses. Street medians and boulevard areas may contain sidewalks, utility installations, signs, benches, and other structures installed by a public agency.
- Tree selection. Trees required in this article shall be selected from the list contained in Appendix B.
- Required removal. Any landscaping in the boulevard area or street median that impedes pedestrian travel or is deemed detrimental to public safety shall be removed immediately by the property owner or agent upon written notification by the City.
- Mulch. Mulch must be contained so as to not spill into the street and/or onto the sidewalk. Property owners are required to remove any spillage.
12.1.010 - Definitions and Responsibility
Unless otherwise specified in this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
- "Boulevard" is that area within any City street, avenue, or highway right-of-way, not occupied by street paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalks.
- "Inside Boulevard" is the boulevard area on the property line side of the sidewalk.
- "Outside Boulevard" is the boulevard area on the street side of the sidewalk. Except as permitted under Section 12.1.050, no boulevard area may be encumbered by any obstacle whatsoever.
- "Obstacle" means any strung wire or netting, any fence or railing, or any barrier or structure of any kind whatsoever. Obstacle does not include trees, or the following:
- Ornamental lamp-posts;
- Telephone or electric light poles;
- United States government mailboxes;
- Signage for structures on the National Historical Register provided by the Montana Historical Society;
- Other structures erected by permit to aid owners in caring for the boulevards adjoining their property.
12.1.020 - Adjoining Owners' Responsibility
- It shall be the duty of the owners of any premises within the City limits to maintain the boulevard section in front of, and adjoining, their premises in a safe condition and in compliance with Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) Title 12.
- Any portion of the right-of-way which is not occupied by roadway section, curb and gutter, driveway,sidewalk, or crosswalk shall be maintained as required by the OCCGF.
- It is also the responsibility of corner lot owners to maintain the clear vision triangle as described in OCCGF12.1.030.
- The Public Works Director or designee may grant a special permit for a temporary barrier to protect newly sown grass on boulevard areas, if such barrier will not create a safety hazard.
12.1.030 - Clear vision triangle—defined—responsibility.
The clear vision triangle is the isosceles triangle having sides of forty-five (45) feet as measured along the back of the curb section of each intersecting roadway. The triangle begins at the point where the intersecting back of each curb line would meet, then forty-five (45) feet along the back of each curb and diagonally across connecting the curb lines, and is depicted as set forth in Exhibit 12.1.030.
Exhibit 12.1.030 Clear vision triangle
- Any signs, fences, plant material, or other items placed in this area shall provide an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between three (3) feet and eight (8) feet above street surface elevation. Trees having over eight (8) feet of clear trunk, as measured from the surface elevation with limbs and foliage trimmed in such a manner as not to extend into the cross-visibility, are permitted in the clear vision triangle.
- It is the responsibility of the owner of a corner lot to maintain the clear vision triangle by trimming or removing the cause of any sight obstruction within the area described above.
- No obstruction to cross-visibility shall be exempted or excluded from the application of this section because of the obstruction's existence.