Code Enforcement- Private Property Complaints

The City of Great Falls conducts code enforcement on a complaint driven process.

To address complaints relative to rubbish, junk vehicles, property maintenance, graffiti, and other related issues, you may fill out the Citizen Complaint Form.

In order to determine property address or parcel number please visit the Montana Cadastral website. If you need help identifying a property please contact Planning and Community Development at (406) 455-8430 and ask for a City Planner.

Please return these forms to the City, or contact Code Enforcement Technician at (406) 455-8574.

If you live in a rental dwelling and have concerns about the safety of the building in which you live, contact the State of Montana Fair Housing at 406-782-2573 or 1-800-929-2611.

The City of Great Falls mailing address is:
P.O. Box 5021
Great Falls, MT 59403

Neighborhood Guide to the Official Code of the City of Great Falls

Neighborhoods are the places where we live, shop, play and work. Like our homes and businesses, neighborhoods require care and upkeep. The City frequently hears complaints about junk cars, trash on lawns, overgrown weeds, and a variety of related problems. These issues seriously affect   property values and the image of the neighborhood. The complaints often end with, “There ought to be a law…”

Indeed, there is a law in place for most chronic neighborhood problems. The Neighborhood Guide provides a quick reference for city residents, providing an overview of some of the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF). We hope this will help you to better the neighborhoods where you live. This brochure was developed to provide information on commonly reported problems and who to call to obtain a particular service or receive additional information.

Tall Grass / Weeds

Vacant lots, yards, and alleys overgrown with tall weeds are not only unsightly, but they can harbor rodents and reptiles and the most dangerous and become a fire hazard. Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep your property clear of tall grass and weeds.  If you are able, help a friend or neighbor in need.  If you are going to be out of town for an extended period of time make arrangements to have someone take care of your lawn.  Great Falls is a beautiful City; please help to keep it looking GREAT!

Please Note: There are areas throughout the City of Great Falls that are County, State and BNSF (Burlington Northern Railroad) right-of-ways and lots.  These areas will be maintained by the County 406-454-6920, State 406-454-5880 and BNSF not by the City of Great Falls. 

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tall Grass/Weeds:

What is a tall grass/weed violation?

Grass, weeds and any un-cared for vegetation growing to a height in excess of eight inches on any property within the City limits.

How do I report tall grass/weed violations?

Violations  must be reported by completing and signing a Citizen Complaint Form found on the City’s website or a paper copy can be obtained and submitted to any City Office.

If I have an alley am I responsible for that area maintenance?

Yes, anything adjacent to a property from the front boulevard through to the alley/easement if there is one.  City Code 8.32.200 - Alley Maintenance.

Outside the City limits or for questions regarding Noxious Weeds contact the County Weed & Mosquito Superintendent at 406-454-6920.

If you are going to be out of town for an extended period of time make arrangements to have someone care for your property.

Heather Rohlf Code Enforcement Tech (406) 455-8574 Contact person by email