Adopt a Park
What can I do as an Adopt a Park volunteer? You and your group can help maintain one of the 58 parks in GF or a section of River’s Edge Trail. Picking up litter, helping with spring spruce up, fall leaf raking and other special projects from the park supervisor.
How long do I have to commit? We ask for a 1-year commitment typically, but understand this may be a school year project or special time commitment, that can be discussed when a department representative contacts you about your application.
How often do I need to visit? We ask that each group meets at least once per month to work 2 hours minimum per month. Your organization will be asked to submit a monthly count of hours and attendance.
What do I need to bring? Personal items such as water, sunscreen, fitted work gloves, hat, appropriate clothing, snacks and closed toe shoes. Gardening equipment depending on what tasks you have agreed upon with Park Supervisor.
What is provided? The Park department will provide trash bags and compost bags, dog waste bags for refilling and other such items as determined by Park Supervisor
Who do I report to? For repeat tasks that are not specific you will report your monthly hours/attendance to the Deputy Director, for specific tasks the Park Supervisor will be your contact and assist with tools and special needed equipment for pickup and return.
What do I get out of adopting a park? Besides the notoriety of how great your park looks for your groups efforts. Adopt a Park provides a service teaching opportunity for a family or a school group, a team building activity for an agency, and a monthly day of service for individuals. You can give back to the park you love, knowing that without your kind service our labor would be far more difficult to achieve. Your family’s, individual, group or organization’s name service hours will be reported monthly to parks board, and your organization will be recognized on the Park and Recreation adopt a park ‘Thank you page’ and recognized yearly during ‘Annual Park and Recreation Month’ celebrations in July. Each month different ‘Adopt A Park’ groups/families, individuals will be recognized if they so wish on our social media page recognizing their efforts.
How do I sign up? To sign up fill out the application drop it off at the Park and Recreation office 1700 River Drive N.
-Adopted Parks
American's Little League-Missle Handling Team
Elks Riverside-Skate Park- 8th Judicial Youth Court Services/Missouri River Group Home
Fox Hollow Park- Kevin A.
Gibson Park- Yvonne S.
Grande VIsta Park- Art T. & Friends of Grande Vista Park
Graybill- Gina L.
Krantz Park- Friends of Kranz Park
Lions Park- Great Falls Lions Club & 341ST MSOS/4 -USAF
North Kiwanis Park- Kiwanis Club of Great Falls & Idaho College of Osteopahtic Medicine
Odd Fellows Park- Quality Life Concepts
Pinski Park- Michale V.
Sand Hills Park- Jen & Co.
Sunrise Park- Sunrise Presbyterian Church