General Procedures for Processing Subdivisions

A. General Procedures for Processing Subdivisions of More Than Five Lots (Plat or Amended Plat)


There have changes to this process due to SB 382 passing. Please see below for a copy of SB 382 and reach out to our office at 406-455-8430 if you have any questions. 

  1. Potential applicant discusses feasibility of subdivision and requirements with Planning staff followed by a pre-application conference, if appropriate.
  2. Applicant is encouraged to visit with surrounding property owners and representatives of the neighborhood council in which the subdivision is located to present the project and solicit input.
  3. Applicant submits petition, preliminary engineering documents, initial plat fee and preliminary plat to Planning Office.
  4. Planning staff transmits necessary material and information to review officials.
  5. "Notice of Public Hearing before Planning Advisory Board" is published in the Great Falls Tribune at least 15 days prior to hearing.
  6. Planning staff transmits, by certified mail, a copy of public hearing notice to property owners abutting preliminary plat.
  7. Planning staff works with applicant and review officials to address requirements, and prepares report and recommendation to Planning Advisory Board.
  8. Planning staff posts public hearing notice sign on property requested to be subdivided.
  9. Planning Advisory Board holds public hearing on preliminary plat and arrives at a recommendation.
  10. Planning staff forwards the Planning Advisory Board's recommendation on preliminary plat to City Commission.
  11. City Commission considers Planning Advisory Board recommendation at a public meeting.
  12. Applicant prepares and submits: Final engineering drawings and plat, Agreement containing terms and conditions for approval
  13. Planning staff provides final documents to appropriate officials for review and approval.
  14. After review officials have approved final engineering drawings, plat, and agreement, Planning staff prepares report and recommendation to Planning Advisory Board.
  15. Planning Advisory Board arrives at a recommendation on final plat at a public meeting.
  16. Applicant submits: Payment of applicable fees, Financial guarantee, Any other documents required as a condition of plat approval
  17. Upon receipt of materials from applicant, Planning staff submits Planning Advisory Board recommendation, final plat and agreement to City Commission.
  18. City Commission acts on Planning Advisory Board recommendation, final plat and agreement at a public meeting.
  19. Applicant obtains signatures on and records final plat with the Cascade County Clerk & Recorder's Office. 

B. General Procedures for Processing Subdivisions of Five Lots or Fewer (Minor Plat or Amended Plat)


There have been changes to this process due to SB 170 passing. Please see below for a copy of SB 170 and reach out to our office at 406-455-8430 if you have any questions. 

  1. Potential applicant discusses feasibility of subdivision and requirements with Planning staff followed by a pre-application conference, if appropriate.
  2. Applicant submits petition, preliminary engineering documents, initial plat fee and minor plat to Planning Office.
  3. Planning staff transmits necessary materials and information to review officials.
  4. Planning staff works with applicant and review officials to address requirements and prepares report and recommendation to Planning Advisory Board.
  5. Planning Advisory Board arrives at recommendation on minor plat at a public meeting.
  6. Applicant prepares and submits: Final copies of minor plat, Final engineering documents, Agreement containing terms and conditions for approval, Payment of applicable fee, Financial guarantee, Any other documents required as a condition of approval.
  7. Planning staff provides final documents to appropriate officials for review and approval.
  8. After review officials have approved final engineering documents, plat, and agreement, Planning staff submits Planning Advisory Board recommendation, minor plat and agreement to City Commission.
  9. City Commission acts on Planning Advisory Board recommendation, minor plat and agreement at a public meeting.
  10. Applicant obtains signatures on and records minor plat with the Cascade County Clerk & Recorder's Office.