About Us

July 2024 PCD Department Photo

Welcome to the Planning and Community Development (PCD) Department! Our department is here to support the safe and healthy growth of Great Falls. We work with the community to enhance and preserve the built environment for future generations by;

  • collecting community input
  • setting a clear citywide vision, and
  • ensuring new projects follow local, state, and federal codes.

We are the first stop for new construction within city limits, and we strive to work with development groups to;

  • provide all needed information on the local development process
  • ensure a smooth application process, and
  • work with them to ensure a safe build from the foundation up.


The PCD Promise

"The Great Falls Planning and Community Development Department is dedicated to finding solutions that realize our community's dreams while prioritizing safety, fostering economic health, and preserving what makes Great Falls great. With unwavering transparency, respect for all, and the commitment to excellence, we strive to inspire and educate the public and continuously enhance our expertise to overcome challenges and contribute to the growth of a community with a vibrant hometown spirit."


Divisions within the Department include:


Building Division (link)

Code Enforcement (link)

  • Private property complaints

Business Licensing and Home Occupations (link)

  • Business and specialty contractor licenses
  • Home occupations
  • Telecommunications
  • Beverage licenses

Parking (link)

Planning & Zoning (link)

Historic Preservation (link)

  • National Register of Historic Places files and nominations
  • Historic property research
  • Historic walking tours