General Procedures for Processing Annexations
1. Potential applicant discusses feasibility of annexation, annexation requirements, City zoning, general procedures and time frame with Planning staff followed by a pre-application conference, if appropriate.
2. Applicant is encouraged to visit with surrounding property owners and representatives of the neighborhood council in which the annexation is located to present the project and solicit input.
3. Applicant submits formal annexation and zoning petitions, initial fees and preliminary site plans and engineering documents to Planning and Community Development.
4. Planning staff transmits necessary materials and information to review officials.
5. Planning staff works with applicant and review officials to develop final annexation requirements and prepares report and recommendation to Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission.
6. "Zoning Notice of Public Hearing before Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission" is published in the Great Falls Tribune at least 15 days prior to hearing.
7. Planning staff mails copy of public hearing notice to all property owners within 150 feet radius of area requested to be annexed and zoned.
8. Planning staff posts public hearing notice sign on property requested to be annexed and zoned.
9. Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission holds public hearing and arrives at a recommendation.
10. Applicant submits:
- Final engineering drawings
- Agreement containing terms and conditions for annexation
- Payment of applicable fees
- Financial guarantee
- Any other documents required as a condition of approval
11. Planning staff provides final documents to appropriate officials for review and approval.
12. Planning staff prepares a resolution of intent to annex and a zoning ordinance, and submits them to City Commission.
13. City Commission adopts resolution of intent to annex and accepts zoning ordinance on first reading and sets date for public hearing.
14. Notice of public hearing is published in the Great Falls Tribune for two successive weeks with first publication at least 20 days prior to hearing.
15. Planning staff mails copy of public hearing notice to all property owners within 150 feet radius of area requested to be annexed and zoned.
16. Planning staff posts public hearing notice sign on property requested to be annexed and zoned.
17. Planning staff submits Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission recommendation, annexation agreement, and related documents to City Commission.
18. City Commission conducts public hearing for final annexation resolution and zoning ordinance, acting on each separately, together with the annexation agreement and any related documents.