Parking FAQ
Frequently asked questions of the Parking Division.
Contact Standard Parking at 406-727-7828 or stop by their office at #17 4th St. N.
Parking meters will allow you to park up to 2 hours at a cost of $1.00 per hour. If your meter runs out of time or you exceed the time limit, and you have not received a ticket within the previous 12 months, a courtesy ticket will be issued. For the first offense after a courtesy ticket, the ticket will cost $5.00; the second offense after a courtesy ticket will cost $10, the third will cost $15, and the fourth and subsequent tickets will cost $20. A Handicap Parking ticket is $100.00, and all other types of violations are $20.00 (Fire Hydrant, Wrong Side to curb, End Zone, Boulevard, etc) If you have a question about a parking ticket, please call 406-455-8430.
Yes, there is a two hour limit at parking meters; a vehicle must move to another parking space every two hours. A parking customer can NOT continue to plug the meter; if you do, the fee schedule is the same as for parking meter violations (see above). If you aren’t sure how long your business or shopping trip will take, we recommend you park in the Parking Garage at #17 4th St. N. It isn’t expensive - $5.00/day and you get the peace of mind of not having to worry about getting back to your car “in time.”
SYSTEM OFFLINE - Our Online Payment System is going through a conversion to a new provider. The new system should be up on Monday, May 24, 2021. The link you followed (if it was on this site) will be updated to take you there on Monday morning. We apologize for any inconvenience this outage causes.
You can pay your ticket by using the envelope provided on your windshield. Postage is FREE!
You can use the drop-box located on the south side of the Civic Center, near the entrance to the Mansfield Convention Center, south side of the building. The box says “Utility Payments” but Parking ticket payments are also gladly accepted.
You can call 406-455-8430 and pay with a credit card.
We hope you never get a ticket, but if you find yourself in this situation, it pays to pay your ticket right away! If you don’t pay a parking ticket within 30 days, there is an added fee of $10.00.
If a vehicle has more than 5 unpaid parking tickets, the vehicle can be booted. To remove the boot, all parking tickets and a $150.00 boot fee must be paid in full. You can pay your tickets with a credit card by calling 406-455-8430.
No, parking tickets do not go on your driving record.
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Contact Information
Civic Center
#2 Park Drive South, Room 112
Great Falls, Montana 59403
(406) 455-8430
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03/19/2025 - 12:00pm
03/20/2025 - 3:30pm
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