Request For Proposals Long Range Transportation Plan
The Great Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization is requesting competitive proposals from qualified Consultants to prepare an update to the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Great Falls Montana Metropolitan Planning Area.
The selected Consultant shall furnish all labor, subcontracted services, materials, supplies, equipment, travel, transportation, and professional services to complete the update. The Plan shall provide full compliance with 23 CFR, Part 450. The full Request for Proposals may be found under "Supporting Documents" below.
The selected Consultant will not participate either directly or indirectly in discrimination prohibited by Title 49 CFR, Part 21, including employment practices. Firms registered with the Montana Department of Transportation as Disadvantaged Businesses Enterprises are encouraged to respond.
Proposals are to be delivered no later than 4:30 PM (local time) on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. For more information regarding this request, please contact Andrew Finch, Senior Transportation Planner, Great Falls Planning & Community Development Dept., P.O. Box 5021, Great Falls, MT 59403, or at (406) 455-8434, or by e-mail.