Utility Billing for Residential Rental Properties

Press Release Notice for change in billing for residential rental properties August 2024

DATE:             August 2, 2024

CONTACT:     City of Great Falls Utilities Department (406) 727-7660


GREAT FALLS, Montana –For many years, the City of Great Falls Utilities Department has allowed property owners to have utilities billed directly to a tenant.  Owners have always received copies of their tenants’ bills since tenants are billed as a courtesy to owners.  Unfortunately, the practice of billing tenants for utilities has created collection issues for the City when tenants are evicted, terminate a lease, or vacate without paying outstanding utility bills. 

  • Currently, when a tenant vacates a property, the billing account will transfer to the property owner.
  • The City will no longer accept requests to bill tenants.  The utility account will remain in the name of the property owner, and all utility bills will be sent to the property owner or property manager on record.
  • Remaining tenant accounts will be phased out during calendar year 2024, starting with delinquent accounts. If an account becomes delinquent and collection processes are initiated, the utility account will be transferred to the property owner.
  • Final bills will only be generated when the ownership of the property changes. 

In addition, recent updates to the Federal Lead and Copper Rule require municipalities to provide notice to new customers, at the time of service initiation, if a property is served by a water line that contains lead pipe, galvanized pipe that requires replacement, or pipe of unknown composition. 

Effective October 16, 2024,  the City will be required to notify the account holder of the Lead and Copper Rule, and the City will notify owners by mail. If a change in ownership occurs, the City will make the notification to the new owner. 

The Finance and Public Works Departments discussed this in detail and briefed the City Commission on May 21, 2024.  In an effort to eliminate ongoing collection issues and efficiently manage compliance with the updates to the Lead and Copper Rule, the City modified its policy on June 1, 2024 for billing of residential rental property accounts. As mentioned above, these changes will gradually be completed over the next several months.

Please direct any questions to Utilities Customer Service at 406-727-7660. (end)