
This website is provided solely for the purpose of providing information about the City of Great Falls. We try to provide information that is up to date and of the highest quality. However, we do not make any representations with regard to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of information contained within this site. Official records always take precedence over information contained in this website. Before making a decision based on information from this website, review official records to ensure accuracy. The City of Great Falls is not responsible for the content on external sites which link to this website or the external sites this website links to. The use of the City of Great Falls website indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimers and statements. You further agree that the City of Great Falls and its Staff have no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages with respect to the information, services, or content contained on or otherwise accessed through this web site.


This privacy policy discloses the privacy practices for the Internet domain, which is operated by the City of Great Falls.

The City of Great Falls provides Social Networking opportunities in an effort to share information, reinforce messages, reach new audiences and establish new communication channels.