Cat Flow Chart

Feral/Stray Next Steps
If the cat did not willingly approach or allow you to touch it, then it is not in need of help or assistance. There are two ways to deal with this community cat.
1. Simply leave it alone.
2. You could TNR the cat. TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Release. It's important that if you trap a cat you make sure that it is altered (spayed or neutered) and then returned to the same location it came from. This will help control the cat population in the area and keep other cats away.
Low cost spay/neuter clinic in Great Falls that may be able to help:
Humane Society of Cascade County at 406-452-7729
You do not want to trap and relocate the animal to another area, a shelter, or out of town as that can cause a phenomenon known as the "Vacuum Effect".
Please note: Take a look to see if the cat has the tip of its ear removed. Often times, when a feral cat is altered the vet will take off the tip of its ear as an easy way to identify cats that have already been altered.
Pet Next Steps
You are probably assisting someones domestic pet. Please refer to the Found Pet page for suggested next steps.