Tattoo Policy

Tattoo Policy Notice for Police Applicants

The Great Falls Police Department has a policy related to tattoos and body art. Applicants considering employment are to be aware that this policy will have a direct impact on eligibility for hiring.

Tattoos or body art displaying the following are prohibited at all times:

  • racism
  • sexism or sexually suggestive or explicit
  • obscenity or profane
  • gang or drug related
  • undermining City or department values
  • political in nature.

Tattoos not prohibited by our policy are not required to be covered while employed with the Great Falls Police Department.  

Prohibited areas:

Tattoos on the following body areas are prohibited from view while on duty, and shall be covered at all times:

  • neck
  • head
  • face
  • ears
  • hands and fingers

Body Piercing and Disfigurements:
Body piercing and intentional (decorative) disfigurement are prohibited from view. All piercings and intentional decorative disfigurements shall be covered while the staff member is on duty.

Note: There are exceptions for female police officers. They may wear pierced earrings of modest design and must not violate more specific department policy as written.  Should you have questions regarding this policy and your ability to employed by the GFPD, please contact us.