Peer Support Team

Peer Support Logo

The Great Falls Police Department recognizes the need to keep our staff not only physically fit, but mentally healthy as well.  We understand the nature of policing can take a toll on those called upon everyday.  It is critically important to our Agency that our officer's mental health is cared for and constantly in the forefront of our staff. 

The GFPD utilizes a Peer Support Team made up of officers and civilians of the Great Falls Police Department.  The Peer Support Team operates as a sounding board for employees who may be dealing with the aftermath of a tough call or just the general trials of life not uncommon to the public.  The Peer Support Team consists of trained employees who are entrusted to start the support system for an employee in need and are available at all times.  The Peer Support Team often assists and directs employees in need to the appropriate professional services.  

Any Great Falls Police Department employee can utilize the Peer Support Team.