GFPD Lobby Construction 3/17/2025

March 17th, 2025
Lobby Construction
For Immediate Release

GREAT FALLS, Montana – Today, (3/17/25), the Great Falls Police Department (GFPD) began a short term construction project within the lobby of the department. This notification is to inform the public of the construction and let the public know the lobby is still open and available. This project is expected to last approximately four weeks, but will have minimal impact on services provided at the front counter.

Citizens needing to contact members of the department will still be able to do so by entering the lobby on the north side of the department, utilizing the same main doors. Once inside, patrons will notice a temporary window, immediately inside the building. Although there will be construction markers, the public is still able to access the lobby. Persons can still drop of video evidence in the lobby and utilize the direct telephone line to our Communications Center.

This project is being done to update the GFPD lobby and improve safety and efficiency for our staff and the public. The projected is partially funded through a grant award, State Local Infrastructure Partnership (SLIPA). The Montana State Legislature enacted State-Local Infrastructure Partnership Act of 2023 through House Bill 355. SLIPA funds may be used to repair or maintain existing local government infrastructure and require a 25% match to the total project cost.

The project and grant submission was approved by the City Commission in March of 2024 and the SLIPA funds were allocated on April 19th, 2024. December 3rd, 2024 City Commissioners awarded the contract to Guy Tabacco Construction in the amount of $67,042.50, requiring a match of $21,250.00 in the GFPD Building Maintenance Fund.

The GFPD looks forward to the new construction and the ability to improve our front counter interactions with the public. We thank you for your patience while construction takes place.

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