What is DDACTS? 

DDACTS stands for, Data-Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety.  This model is to decrease social harm and improve the quality of life in our community.  

Drawing on the deterrent value of highly visible traffic enforcement and the knowledge that crimes often involve motor vehicles, DDACTS integreates location-based crime and traffic crash data to determine the most effective methods for deploying law enforcement.  

Our collaboration with citizens, businesses, and community organizations to employ this model effectively reinforces the crucial role that partnerships play in making Great Falls a great place to live, work, and play.  

Where is the DDACTS Zone? 

The area identified as Great Falls' DDACTS zone lies within the boundaries of (west to east) Park Drive to 15th St. (north to south) to 6th Avenue North to 6th Avenue South. 

What can Citizens expect to see? 

Citizens can expect to see additional marked patrol cars and officers in the DDACTS zones and traffic citations are heavily issued within these zones.  The DDACTS zone are compiling both criminal activity and traffic crash activity with the thought that criminals are moving through these areas by vehicle and are frequently contacted with the extra patrol within these zones. 

How can the community help?  

Great Falls Citizens, Visitors, and Business owners can aid in the DDACTS efforts by reporting crime and or suspicious behaviors when they see it happening.  Community members are asked to reserve calling 911 only for true police, fire or medical emergencies where life or property are in imminent danger. 

We encourage anyone who may be a witness or victim, to a non-violent crime to call our non-emergent reporting line at 406-455-8599 to report incidents of public nuisance, excessive noise, vandalism (not in progress), etc.  Callers should be prepared with detailed information of the crime, such as; suspect description, location, time, date, etc.