911 Center Hiring Blitz





DATE:             February 28, 2025

CONTACT:     Adrienne Ehrke, GFPD Volunteer Coordinator – 406-455-8408




Great Falls, Montana – The Great Falls / Cascade County Emergency Communications Center (GF/CC 911 Center) is hosting a special hiring event, designed to fast track applicants who want to join the 911 team. Qualified applicants could leave the event, with an invitation to take the next steps to become a 911 Dispatcher. This unique event will trim up to six weeks off processing time, versus that of a candidate who applies through traditional methods.

911 centers across the country are struggling to hire and retain Emergency Dispatchers. A study released by the International Academies of Dispatch and the National Association of State 911 Administrators reports that more than half of 911 centers in the United States are facing a genuine staffing emergency. This shortage is affecting centers of all sizes across the country, including the GF/CC 911 Center.

The event idea originated with Kelly Johanneck, Deputy Director of the GF/CC 911 Center, who said, “We’ve reached a critical staffing stage at the 911 Center and I recognize there is an opportunity to switch up the way we’ve been hiring Dispatchers. In today’s world, everything moves so swift, I thought we should bend to that trend by making the first steps of the hiring process easy and fast. At the Hiring Blitz, we’ll have Dispatch recruiters, Human Resources representatives, and a notary, on site, ready to fast track qualified applicants.” 


EVENT DETAILS:  911 Hiring Blitz - March 13, 2025 - Noon to 6pm - 3015 Airport Drive, Great Falls



  • No appointment necessary
  • Complete online application, on site
  • Complete pre-screening questionnaire, on site
  • Complete required waivers, and get them notarized, on site
  • Participate in an interview, on the spot



  • Be prepared to complete the application (bring job and address history, references, etc.)
  • Be prepared to participate in a job interview
  • Bring a valid photo ID



  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must pass a psychological evaluation, prior to employment
  • Must pass an extensive background check, prior to employment


Learn more here or on Facebook, at Join Great Falls 911.



Karen Young – 911 Director (Communications Services Bureau)        

Karen Young manages the Communications Services Bureau, a division of the Great Falls Police Department (GFPD). Karen started with GFPD, as a 911 Dispatcher in August 1988, and has a combined total of 39 years serving in public safety.


Kelly Johanneck – 911 Deputy Director (Communications Services Bureau)

Kelly Johanneck began her career with GFPD, as a 911 Dispatcher, in February 2004, and was promoted to her role as Deputy Director of the 911 Center in September 2024.


Great Falls / Cascade County Emergency Communications Center Facts

  • The Center employs 20 full-time Emergency Dispatchers, 1 Deputy Director, and 1 Director
  • Center is staffed 24/7/365
  • Serves approximately 40 agencies, across Cascade County
  • Dispatchers answer emergent and non-emergency calls for law enforcement, fire, and medical incidents, also many calls requesting general information
  • The Center has nine incoming phone lines dedicated to 911 calls
  • In 2024, the Center answered 34, 563 911 calls and 138,646 total incoming calls


What is a 911 Dispatcher?

  • They are investigators, emergency responders, and lifelines in the moments of crisis.
  • Dispatchers are keen listeners; they analyze every word, sound, and background noise to gather critical details that could mean the difference between life and death.
  • They write detailed reports, document incidents in real-time, and ensure vital information is relayed accurately
  • They are trained to deescalate panic, calm terrified callers, and offer reassurance in the most chaotic moments.
  • Whether it’s guiding someone through an intruder situation, helping a parent revive their unresponsive child, or supporting a victim in their darkest hour, dispatchers are the steady, compassionate presence that keeps communities safe.
  • They are the first, first responders – doing everything they can to bring order to the worst moments of someone’s life


What happens when you call 911?

  • Caller will hear, “Cascade County 911, where is your emergency?”
  • #1 priority is location, location, location. Dispatchers can’t send help if they don’t know where you are  
  • Dispatchers can find a caller’s location, however, it is best when the caller tells them exactly where they are or are able to describe the location (landmarks, street signs, businesses, color of house)
  • The dispatcher will ask the caller what is happening, to determine the type of emergency
  • As soon as the initial information is typed into the computer, other dispatchers are sending the appropriate aid/agency, while the call taker stays on the line, gathering more information
  • The dispatcher will ask who is involved, about injuries, weapons, traffic blockage, etc., (to assess threats and relay information to responders)
  • Dispatchers perform emergency medical triage and provide lifesaving instructions like CPR, bleeding control, and childbirth assistance


What Happens when someone calls 911 and does not have a life-threatening emergency?

  • A dispatcher will determine if the call was an accident, a misunderstanding, or a misuse of emergency services
  • Offer additional or ‘outside’ resources, such as 211, a resource for callers needing information or assistance with mental health, housing assistance, paying bills, or healthcare expenses
  • 988 is a resource designed to help individuals who need suicide support and/or crisis prevention


More Candidate Information

  • Excel in customer service, compassion, multi-tasking, knowledge retention, sense of urgency, geography
  • Will spend the first year on probation
  • No experience necessary, all training provided
  • Uniform shirt provided
  • City of Great Falls stellar benefits package

