Neighborhood Council meetings February 17 and 20th (Neighborhood Councils 5 & 8)

Neighborhood Council #5's (NC#5) monthly meeting is hosted on Monday, February 17, at 7:00 pm in the Great Falls Clinic Specialty Center Conference Room, 3000 15th Avenue South. Agenda items* include: MT Dept. of Revenue (Katie Kakalecik), Property Tax Supervisor (Paige Smith), Assistant Property Tax Dept. (Sheri Pairn), Cascade County Treasurer (Diane Heikkila) – presentation, Council Business and Updates and neighborhood concerns. For more information on NC#5, including boundaries and contact information, visit

Neighborhood Council #8's (NC#8) monthly meeting is Thursday, February 20, at 6:00 pm in the Great Falls Pre-Release Center Women’s Center. Agenda Items* items include: Officer Elections – Chairman, Secretary, Official Delegate, Planning and Community Development – Growth Policy presentation and group exercise, Facebook update, neighborhood concerns. For more information on NC#8, including boundaries and contact information, visit or

 *Monthly agendas are posted on the Neighborhood Councils' online calendar,, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.