Neighborhood Council #5 Candidate Forum, August 21, 2023
Calendar Date:
Monday, August 21, 2023 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
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Neighborhood Council #5 (NC#5) is hosting a Candidate Forum on Monday, August 21, at 7:00 pm in the Great Falls Clinic Specialty Center Conference Room, 3000 15th Avenue South. Meet and learn more about the Mayoral, City Commission, & Municipal Court Judge candidates. The Municipal General Election will be held on November 7th.
Candidates invited include:
- Mayor: Joe McKenney, Cory Reeves, Casey Schreiner and Abby Brown
- Commissioner: Eric Hinebauch, Rick Tryon, Kendall Cox, Shannon Wilson and Micaela Stroop
- Municipal Court Judge - Dept. A: Steven Bolstad
- Municipal Court Judge - Dept. B: Cayle Halberg and Mark Dunn