Miscellaneous Fire Department Equipment

Project Type:
Project Status: 
105 9th Street South
Great Falls, MT 59405

Program Description

The Great Falls Fire Department has an onging and revolving need for new equipment for fire fighters. Much of the current equipment is extremely outdated, won't pass inspection standards, or are home-made solutions the deprtment has created themselves. Along with other supporting grants, the Fire Department has requested an allocations of funds to purchase some new equipment to support day-to -day operations.

Why This Matters

This allocation will allow the Fire Dept. to purchase much needed equipment to support our first responders, including training gear, SCBA bottles, a Hose Washer/Tester, and Protective Gear

How is this Eligible?

The United States Department of the Treasury allows local governments that lost revenue (i.e. lost taxes, utility payments, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic to use ARPA funds, up to the amount of revenue lost, for "government services". This category is extremely discretionary and allows for funds to be used for any service traditionally provided by a government. Treasury’s Final Rule allowed local governments to claim a standard allowance of $10 million in lost revenue. The City of Great Falls (which did not experience financial losses during the pandemic) took this standard allowance and may spend up to $10 million of its total allocation to pay for its traditional government services.

Foreground: Handmade hose washer (PVC pipe with spike strips inside); Background: New automatic hose washer
Interior mechanism of new hose washer
Status Updates

Equipment has been purchased and is currently being used by Fire Deptartment personnel.