Fire Station Infrastructure

Project Type:
Project Status: 
Construction Phase
731 6th St NW
Great Falls, MT 59404

Program Description 

 The Great Falls Fire Stations are aging buildings that were built in the 1970s.  These buildings are in clear need of infrastructural investment to maintain their operational capacity.  Environmental Systems (i.e. HVAC) are unable to keep up with demands especially in the winter.  Dormitories must be updated to meet with social distancing recommendations so that future pandemics do not impact staffing.  Similarly, locker rooms/restrooms require maintenance to allow for increased social distancing.

Why this matters

Fire Stations are staffed 24/7.  Teams of 3-5 fire fighters live on site from 7:30 AM one day until 7:30 AM the next day.  Fire Station 1 also serves as the administrative center for Great Falls Fire and Rescue.  This means that an additional 11 staff members are on site from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Friday.  If one or more of these individuals unknowingly exposes his or her co-workers to a COVID-19-like contagion it could have a substantial impact on the ability of the station to respond to an emergency.  this proposal will increase the ventilation effectiveness at each station, allow for improved social distancing, and increase the comfort level of the stations.

How is this eligible?

According to Treasury's Final Rule, capital expenses similar to this proposal are eligible expenses if they meet two requirements.  First, there must be a public health response or negative impact related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  In this instance, the improvement of ventilation and social distancing capacity to mitigate or prevent the spread of COVID-19 or similar ailments would be the identified public health response (ventilation and mitigation efforts are two uses specifically classified as eligible in Treasury's regulations).  Second, the project must be reasonably related to the response.  This is the most reasonable response available.  Alternatives to this proposal would include massive alterations or expansions to the buildings themselves or relocation of companies.  Limiting the expenses to HVAC improvements and internal modifications is a more measured and cost effective response that also achieves the identified goals.

Reception area under construction in Fire Station #1
Storage area and bathroom under construction in Fire Station #1
Status Updates

The City Commission approved the contract for Cushing Terrell to complete the engineering and design for updates to all 4 fire stations at the 12/7/22 commission meeting. Cushing is working on the architectural, mechanical, and electrical designs to enable bidding by a qualified construction contractor in early 2023.

The construction contract was awarded to James Talcott Construction in May 2023. Construction began in June on Fire Station #1, and will be onging for several months.