United Way
Program Description
Early Education Assistance
Why This Matters
Funds will be used to coordinate the availability of early childhood education, bridging gaps for children through kindergarten enrollment, and increasing access for underserved populations in conjunction with Great Falls Public Schools.
How is this Eligible?
The laws that identify eligible expenses of ARPA funds (Sections 602 and 603 of the Social Security Act) state that a unit of local government shall use funds to “respond to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 or its negative economic impacts, including assistance to house-holds, small businesses, and non-profits, or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality.” The City Commission prioritized the distribution of a portion of the ARPA allocation to local partners in 2021.
Status Updates
The City Commission approved the list of Sub Award recipients at the 12/6/22 commission meeting. City Staff are working with the organizations to complete contracts and reporting requirements.
United way has hired a Childhood Success Coordinator and signed an MOU with Great Falls Public Schools to support United Way with Early Childhood Education recruitment and data tracking. United Way is currently working with various community partners to support the projects mission, and recently participated in the Preschool Brain Building Expo.
United Way hired a new Community Impact Specialist and worked with child care organizations to open new childcare slots. GFPS has added questions provided by UW to the kindergarten registration process, and will conduct assessments at the Kindergarten and Pre-school levels in conjunction with UW. UW will conduct interviews on retention and culture issues with childcare facility staff over the next few months.
One person was housed under this program in the last quarter, and two more are waiting on leases. Increased rental prices are an issue for affordability for families to maintain.