Peace Place

Project Type:
Sub Award
Project Status: 
In Process
521 4th Ave S
Great Falls, MT 59401

Program Description

Building Renovation

Why This Matters

Peace Place is looking to renovate its new location to create an ideal environment to provide childcare, caregiver support, and respite services. This award will fund the renovation of an existing (and currently empty) downtown location to include classrooms, rest rooms, offices, a kitchen, and other faculties as needed.

How is this Eligible?

The laws that identify eligible expenses of ARPA funds (Sections 602 and 603 of the Social Security Act) state that a unit of local government shall use funds to “respond to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 or its negative economic impacts, including assistance to house-holds, small businesses, and non-profits, or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality.” The City Commission prioritized the distribution of a portion of the ARPA allocation to local partners in 2021.

Status Updates

The City Commission approved the list of Sub Award recipients at the 12/6/22 commission meeting. City Staff are working with the organizations to complete contracts and reporting requirements.

Peace Place identified a slightly larger space in the building where their new location was set to be, and decided to lease the larger space. Their engineering firm has completed architectural and mechanical drawings for the new location, and has submitted the plans to the City for approval. An RFP for construction services will be compiled in the next quarter, and construction will begin after the RFP process has been completed.

Peace Place has completed their design process and obtained building permits from the City. The project was advertised for bid at the end of June, and bids are set to be opened at the end of July 2023.