Online Citizen Complaint Form
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is designed to process, expedite, and track complaints. Forms will be processed in the order received unless it is an emergency. Please fill out the following to file a complaint or report a code violation. Also, please fill out the following as soon as possible after you notice the issue. Note: Complaints submitted with invalid Reporting Party information will be considered a false report and will not be processed. For requests and general comments, please use the Contact Us form.
This form is a public record. If the complaint results in a criminal charge in Municipal Court for a code violation, this complaint form is considered an initial incident report and is considered a public record, but subsequent investigative materials are considered confidential criminal justice information and are only releasable in very limited circumstances pursuant to MCA 44-5-303.
Please be aware that any individual that uses information in the Citizen Complaint Forms to quarrel, threaten, or harass another, or to otherwise violate the Disorderly Conduct (MCA § 45-8-101) or Privacy in Communications (MCA § 45-8-213) statutes could be subject to criminal penalties.