Discovery Family Counseling Services

Project Type:
Sub Award
Project Status: 
In Process
712 13th St S
Great Falls, MT 59405

Program Description

Expansion of Services

Why This Matters

Funds will be used to expand the mental health therapy services available for children as young as three years old. Specifically, Discovery will implement programs designed to treat behavioral health concerns in youth through “play therapy”. Additionally, Discovery will remodel a portion of its building to be used for this specific purpose

How is this Eligible?

The laws that identify eligible expenses of ARPA funds (Sections 602 and 603 of the Social Security Act) state that a unit of local government shall use funds to “respond to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 or its negative economic impacts, including assistance to house-holds, small businesses, and non-profits, or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality.” The City Commission prioritized the distribution of a portion of the ARPA allocation to local partners in 2021.

Facility Remodel 1
Facility Remodel 2
Facility Remodel 3
Facility Remodel 4
Status Updates

The City Commission approved the list of Sub Award recipients at the 12/6/22 commission meeting. City Staff are working with the organizations to complete contracts and reporting requirements.

Discovery has completed the renovations to their facility and are in the process of trying to hire 2 new therapists.