Special City Commission Meeting, March 23, 2020

Calendar Date:
Monday, March 23, 2020 - 1:00pm

3/22/20 - Proposed Ordinance 3217 Section 2 was updated.  Updated copy is included in the packet.

To protect public health and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, the CDC is advising the public not to gather in groups larger than ten (10).  The City Commission and limited staff will be participating in the meeting through video conferencing means.

The Public has a right to participate in Commission meetings and therefore are welcome to participate in the following ways:

1.  Attend the meeting in person
The City of Great Falls asks that if you are not feeling well, please do not attend the meeting and risk potentially exposing others to your illness.

2.  Provide Public Comments via email before March 23, 2020 at 11:00 AM on the agenda items. 
Emails should be sent to: commission@greatfallsmt.net. Please list the Agenda item and or item number in the subject line.

3.  Watch the City Commission on Cable Channel 190 or through the City’s Website: https://greatfallsmt.net/livestream

How long will these limitations apply?

The City of Great Falls will take its guidance on this public health threat from the Cascade City/County Health Department.  When the public exposure risk has passed, meetings will return to normal.

In the meantime, the City will engage in measures to reduce spreading the virus by allowing City Commissioners to call in to the meeting.  In the future, the City hopes to provide an audio/visual option for Commissioners.