Central Business Historic District Walking Tour

CBD Thumbnail

In 2001, the Great Falls/Cascade County Historic Preservation Advisory Commission (HPAC) initiated an architectural and historic inventory of the Great Falls Central Business District. In 2004, the district was listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the official list of the nation's resources considered worthy of preservation.

Material for this brochure was drawn from the inventory and nomination. It presents a sampling of the history and architecture of downtown Great Falls and celebrates a collaboration of business, tourism, history and the arts.

For information on other buildings in this district and other historic resources in the Great Falls and Cascade County contact the Historic Preservation Office located in Room 112 of the Civic Center or call 455-8435.

Click the link below under "Supporting Documents" to view the Central Business Historic District Walking Tour brochure. Disclaimer: This brochure is a scan and not available text-based.